Tuesday, July 16, 2013

{Tuesday TIP} Breaking boundaries with London Bridgez

The power of social media linked me to this Boston-based spoken word poetess London Bridgez and I have been swamped by her energy ever since. The woman oozes electrifying vibes and enough sass to keep her crowd on their feet - all night! Whether on a background of brushed bassline, tantalising trumpet, and punchy drums or acapella, she waxes the finest lyrics combining feminism, social justice, hip hop, and activism. And guess what? I am fortunate enough that I have been treated to a private live performance of 'SHE' via Skype, which was a pure moment of elation. This is the performance that really does it for me and the one I deeply connect with. London has a very special message to spread and I hope you enjoy (re)watching this video as much as I do!

London performing 'SHE'... Speakers on!

The sheer beauty of London's passion for her craft is enough to keep you entertained, mesmerised, and inspired. She adds a new dimension to poetry with her powerful prose.

Check out my sister friend London Bridgez if you dig the work! Chitty-chat on the Twitterverse, keep up with live gigs on Facebook (you never know, she may pass by your area!), or hit her YouTube channel for more awesomeness... GET TO KNOW!